Elizabeth Warren Runs for Senate as Democrat,

Elizabeth Warren Runs for Senate as Democrat, But Exerts Independence Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard law school professor and consumer advocate, officially entered the Massachusetts Senate race this week. She’d been testing the waters for weeks and now faces the ultimate test: Can she connect with Massachusetts voters and withstand a long primary to take the Senate seat of Republican Scott Brown?

Warren helped create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau but was passed over to lead it mostly because of Republican opposition. In her announcement video Warren tried to appeal to voters by talking about her humble roots and pledging to stand up for the middle class. “Middle-class families have been chipped at, hacked at, squeezed and hammered for a generation now, and I don’t think Washington gets it,” Warren said. “I grew up on the ragged edge of the middle-class and I know it’s hard out there.” Warren said she had ”fought” her whole life for “working families” and she has “stood up to some pretty powerful interests.” That message, Democrats said, would be the key to success, but as a first time candidate, who angered both Republicans and Democrats as a government watchdog while in Washington, she will undoubtedly have a tough fight against her Democratic rivals and Brown.
Longtime Massachusetts Democratic strategist Mary Anne Marsh said Warren had a strong message, but as a brand-new, first-time candidate she is still getting her “sea legs.” Marsh, who is not affiliated with the Warren campaign, outlined the message that she believes should be the Warren campaign’s pitch to Massachusetts independent voters. 

“In a year when everyone is mad at Washington and Wall Street, Scott Brown joined the club and Elizabeth Warren has been throwing bombs at it,” Marsh said. “It’s easier to get out there and fight for someone else, fight for a cause, but when you have to go out there and make the case for yourself, it’s a challenge, but that’s always the case.” Marsh added that despite a crowded primary field, Warren should try to dominate her Democratic rivals early and raise funds to run a campaign directly against Brown before the brief six week general election gets under way next September.