Sandra Bullock afraid rented house

Sandra Bullock afraid rented house is haunted? If there’s something wrong … in the neighborhood … who you gonna call?

Bullock the Ghostbuster? According to the U.K. Sun, Sandra Bullock is uneasy with the rental digs she’s occupying while filming the sci-fi thriller “Gravity” with George Clooney. Apaprently Bullock is staying in a converted church in London, and has asked producers to investigate the building because she fears it is haunted. PHOTOS: Sandra Bullock. Bullock has complained of sleepless nights and “ghostly presences,” the Sun reports. “Sandra is convinced something is not right,” the Sun quotes a source as saying.
Perhaps she should get hold of Bill Murray and the gang. Or at least Ray Parker Jr. Because he ain’t ‘fraid of no ghost.