Tata 'Mahadewi' claim that Section Have Eyes
Posted by kaji in Tata Mahadewi on Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tata 'Mahadewi' claim that Section Have Eyes Jakarta Meaning section is quite large if translated into words. According to Tata 'Goddess, every woman must have a value of sexiness including himself.

"If you want narcissistic, I'm still sexy. Physically, given God's sexy," he said when met at the Studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Tuesday (06/12/2011). According sexiness of the clothes are not only seen a completely open. But if it like that, he mengaggapnya as sexy elegant. Procedures are also often received praise from her husband. Even the husband is very fond of the hip. "I'm a big hip, but according to the akang even that good," Gomez said.
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